More Free Online Classes!

Hi Everyone!

There was such a great turn out at the last online critique, demo, and Q&A, and there was not enough time to go through all the artwork and questions. So I've decided to do a couple more sessions during the campaign, and would love to see you there! The past sessions can be viewed on the campaign page.

The final session will take place:

  • June 29, 3pm EST / 12 pm PST

I will continue to go through the artwork and questions that were already submitted but for those that would still like to submit artwork, you can do so here:

You will be able to submit your artwork to be critiqued, or you can just attend, learn and be part of the conversation!

The session will run approximately 60 minutes. Artwork will be reviewed in order of submissions. We will try to get through as many critiques, as well as demos and answers to your questions, as we can in that time!

The link to the online Adobe Connect classroom will be available on the campaign page 15 minutes before the event.  It can be streamed through your browser.

Live Critique / Q&A

Thank you everyone who participated and attended the Online Critique and Q&A. It was so nice to see old friends and new people!

In case you missed the Free Online Critiques and Q&A’s, the recordings of the sessions are now available!

Session 1/3:

Online Critique and Q&A session to celebrate the launch of the campaign for the book Functional Anatomy.

Session 2/3:

Session 3/3:

Launch is happening! 24 Hour Discount!

The Kickstarter for the book Functional Anatomy by Samantha Youssef is now live! Supporters will receive a copy of the anticipated book! Please check it out!

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Be sure to join the Free Class/Critique/Q&A at 3pm EST, June 8. The link will be available on the kickstarter campaign!

Be sure to join the Free Class/Critique/Q&A at 3pm EST, June 8. The link will be available on the kickstarter campaign!

Free Online Class/Critique/Q&A and 24 hr Discount - Save the Date!

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It's been a long wait! I have been dying to share with all of you that the 2nd volume of my drawing syllabus - Functional Anatomy - is on the horizon!

The Kickstarter campaign for this 2nd book will be launched June 8 at 12pm EST. There will be a discounted option for the book for the first 24 hours of the campaign, be sure not to miss out!

I am so excited to get this course published and sent out to you!  

Don't forget to save the date for the live and interactive online class with demonstration drawings, artwork critiques (poses - human or animal, figure drawings, illustrations, character designs, animation keyframe poses, etc), and a live Q&A on any drawing topics you would like to discuss - Posing, Gesture, Anatomy,  Design, and Perspecitive! This will take place to help launch the campaign for Functional Anatomy.

You will be able to submit your artwork to be critiqued, or you can just attend and learn.

The session will run approximately 60-90 minutes and begin June 8 at 3pm EST. Artwork will be reviewed in order submitted. We will try to get through as many critiques, as well as demos and answers to your questions, as we can in that time!

The link to the online Adobe Connect classroom will be available shortly before the event. It will be announced via the mailing list and social media.  It can be streamed through your browser.

Animation Talk at ECS

Such a great morning visiting Miss Edgar’s & Miss Cramp’s School for Girls. I was so happy to visit and be able to share something I love with wonderful students! Thank you ECS for inviting me!

Hand Drawn Animation Keynote at the Phi Centre Montreal

Had a wonderful time sharing insight into the world of hand drawn feature animation at the Phi Centre! Wrapped up the presentation with a little demo and got people to try out animation drawing as well! Thank you everyone who attended!

Comic Con 2018 - Dynamic Posing Workshop - Studio Technique & Dr.Sketchy Montreal

Comic Con 2018 was another fun and fantastic workshop with the Dr. Sketchy Montreal team! Thank you to our amazing Poison Ivy model, Elle Diabloe!

Congratulations to the winners of the Dr. Sketchy Montreal contests! Thank you everyone for attending! I hope it was informative, inspiring and fun!

- Samantha

Drawing Workshop at Comicon!

Looking forward to another year at Comicon! Hope to see you there! We will have the lovely character and burlesque performer, El Diablo, as Poison Ivy!

As well, The Youssef Drawing Syllabus: Movement & Form will be available for purchase and book signing.**

**Please bring cash for book purchases, as the wifi reception for online transactions has been inconsistent in the past. We will try, but we have found the conference centre panel areas to have bad reception.

Samantha Youssef and Crafting Imagination

Van Houtte shared the written interview! Thank you everyone for all your amazing support around this opportunity! You can see it via the link below:

Van Houtte presents Making Life a Masterpiece: Samantha Youssef

So excited to have been a part of this and to finally share it with all of you! This was such an honour to be featured in such a nice way for the Van Houtte campaign.
- Samantha Youssef

Making Life a Masterpiece is a series by Van Houtte telling the stories of inspirational people who are not only masters of their craft, but making a difference in their community. They make life a masterpiece through their expertise and exceptional passion - just like our inspiration, Albert-Louis Van Houtte.